Have You Seen The Annual Flight Of The Green Eye-shaded Bean Counter?

It is way past April Fools, and it is time for everyone to get busy. There are only 4 more days for your pilgrimage for dear old Uncle Sam. April 15th is right around the corner, after which you might be able to catch the annual flight of the green eye-shaded bean counter. While their natural habitat is fluorescent lit offices, you can often catch them in the early morning light of April 16th as they let the warm rays of the sun bathe them in the first natural light they have experienced since their annual ritual began, just after New Years. You can tell who they are by their telltale green eyeshades over bleary red eyes, pasty skin, pencil stained fingers, and an unnatural craving for home cooked food – anything but takeout.

There is still time however, for you to see the green eye-shaded bean counter in their natural habitat. Have you seen one recently? Just let me know and we’ll be happy to set something up!

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